Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sample letter to the B.C. provincial politicians from CapU students

To [enter name of local politician].

As a student of Capilano University I am very concerned about the proposed cuts to programs and sections. The University administration wants to eliminate a $1.3 million deficit by making $3 million in cuts. If this budget is passed, these cuts will have a devastating impact on my access to a wide variety of courses and my opportunity to have a positive and secure educational experience.

Cap is my university and I belong.

I would like to appeal to you to step in and recommend hitting the pause button on the current proposal to allow people at Cap to collectively come up with better alternatives.

I understand that universities throughout BC are suffering because of funding cuts to the Ministry of Advanced Education. I also know that Capilano University did not receive funding when it became a university, but other institutions did. I don’t understand this.

Cap is my university and I belong.

I would like to find out when Capilano University will receive the funding we need to operate as a University and so that our education can be supported.

Capilano University has an excellent reputation for diverse programs, great teaching and for the success of its graduates. I am worried that these cuts will severely impact my learning environment on campus, my own success at Cap and ultimately my prospects for a job or career. I don’t want to have to go somewhere else, travel farther or pay more for my education.

Cap is my university and I belong.

Please assist us in fighting for an extended time frame to investigate alternatives and in securing the funding that Capilano University and its students deserve.


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